Max Faktor (Panic grass)

public work

Permanent work for Skulptur Landsby Selde 2019.

Max Faktor (panik-græs) is a long and very flat landscape and I like to think it’s up for negotiation, a landscape dissolving and in movement, wet and bubbly. It’s a landscape where make-up-like shadows, hoovers, lashes, digging machines, landmasses and water are looking each other in the eyes.

The first time I came to the very small city of Selde a local farmer told me a story: Nearby the small city, is an island, a place where tourists go to visit old burial mounds. This island also has a special kind of clay that has been dug out for many years. Back in the 60’s an initiative was made to give the burial mound an official status of preservation. The only problem was that the burial mound in question had been dug away. So the diggers built a new one. Today, tourists visit this protected “burial mound” and a staircase with railing has been built to help them ascend. According to the protection law though, railing isn’t allowed and so it has been taken down. But in the the night a new railing keeps being put up.

Regardless of which details are true, the story highlights something. There’s a debate and construction of narratives and history, which becomes visible very concretely and materially by how earth is moved around and gets different accessories such as staircases and railings attached to it. The bizarreness of these movements steps into the spotlight.

I wanted to make something that could be seen in different speeds and distances, for example by car, bike or foot, still.

- Rebekka Hilmer Heltoft

Linseed oil paint and lacquer on wood, concrete, approx. 500 cm

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© Rebekka Hilmer Heltoft
and the authors, 2024